I pasti semua insan punya keinginan dan matlamat hidup..bergitu jga dgn diriku~
Semuanya bermula di SINI..daripada seorang yg slim melim..brat dlu 45kg sahaja dan sekarang 63kg ..Alamak..mcm mn boleh jd gitu..perubahan diri amat2 ketara..especially di perut, paha dan lengan...drp perut yg kempis tanpa spare tire sampailah menjadi 3 spare tire yg besar2 belaka..ini semua disebabkan tidak pernah control mkn..asyik perasaan diri kurussss je..sampailah 1 ketika..bila timbang berat badan dan naik 52kg..at that time..bru terasa..gemukknya akuu..what should i do..so..try la diet skit2..x mkn nasi bbrp hr..tp diet tu x bertahan lama..rsnya hidup ni x happy langsung..apa gunanya slim kalo hidup terpenjara dlm diri sendiri..so..I decide utk x diet secara ketat..just relax on diet..but..badan still naik..maybe coz metabolisme makin rendah ble dah meningkat usia..
Tanggal 15/1/2011..i dijabkabul dengan suami tercinta..at that moment rs sungguh bahagia even badan still naik..kadang2 rs malu jgk dgn hubby bcoz of my shape..n now usia perkahwinan dah hmpir 11 bulan..Alhamdulliah..sgt2 bahagia dapat suami yg penyayang n bertanggungjawab.. but I still rs sedih sbb badan makin naik..nak nak..time gather blk dgn mmber2 lama..semua org cakap "aii mkn berisi sol..dah ade isi ke"..at that time..hanya Allah yg tahu bertapa malunya I time tu..but nk cover malu..just say that.."bahagiaa"..but in my heart, i'm very sad and shame with my self. B4 that,masa nk kawin, I try jgk cr koset for shape..then bincang dgn bakal suami at that time..dia x setuju kos for him.it is not very benefitial, there are many method that I can do..so now..the effect is on my self..I'm not blame him 100%, but I'm blame my self coz x jaga badan at that time. Then, after bbrp bulan fikir and cr d solution, I decide, I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING so that i'll not regret nnt..so..bnyk koset2 yg i cari..but x de 1 pon yg berkenan..then..i look at PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL and ask many frend about this koset..good or not good. then..most of them say VERY-VERY GOOD. and boleh pakai in LONG TERM..sampai anak 10 pon boleh..so.. the reason why i get this PB :
1)NAK BTUL2 JAGA SHAPE BALIK (nnt suami bertambah syg)
2)TURUNKAN BERAT BADAN (spy i lebih confident dgn diri sendiri)
3)FOR LONG TERM meaning that..nnt i dah bersalin..i mesti kena jgk pakai koset..so..why not i buy it now..and keep on wearing n use it when i delivered bby nnt..so think for the future
4) I think and pegang prinsip. " ALAH MEMBELI MENANG MEMAKAI"
so why not I invest skit for my self ,hubby n family.
besides, I pki,,nape kita semua boleh bli kereta, rumah or everthing we want even we know it is very expensive,,becos we know the thing we buy adalah utk manfaat kitaa..so same like this koset..
So, i rs sgt2 teruja n happy to have a PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL as one of my asset in my life.
Alhamdulliah.so far I x de masalah pening, letih,period pain or pendek kata masalah kesihatan. the biggest problem is my weight and shape sja.
But, actually koset ni sgt2 baik utk kesihatan. if people have any problem such as pening kepala, sakit belakang, asma, period pain n mcm2 lg..sgt2 digalakkan utk memakainya..
Last but not least..today I'm very happy with my PB set. tq so much to those which introduce me this wonderful koset..
So..for those nak tau lbh lanjut about this PB,apa yg kita boleh dapat dengan PB i'll share my experience and just contact me:
HP: 013 501 5920
Email: milia_86@yahoo.com
I yakin dan percaya..once kita dah pakai..kita x akan menyesal..